Tantalizing Tart

Week two of spring break is coming to an end!  By this time of fall break I was so ready for school to be back in, but thankfully we have been able to stay busy this break. 

We took a trip to Sky Zone, a trampoline park this week. The kids had so much fun and were worn out. So wonderfully worn out 😉

There was dodgeball, a foam pit, two huge just jump areas, and basketball hoops!

The price was pretty reasonable as well, definitely something we will have to do again!

 They were pretty hungry after this adventure so we grabbed dinner on the way home, but when we got home I wanted to make something sweet for us to snack on. 

Spring Berry Tart


1 package sugar cookie dough

8 oz cream cheese

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp salt

Your choice of fruits

Start by preheating the oven to 350

Spray a tart pan or springform pan with non-stick spray 

Flatten the cookie dough out to form the crust 

Bake for 20-25 minutes, until a tooth pick comes out clean

Set aside and let cool

Combine the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla, and salt

Spread out evenly over sugar cookie crust

Decorate with your fruit!  I used strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. In hindsight it looks a little Fourth of July, but I just used what I had. 

Chill for ten minutes to firm the cream cheese mixture back up and serve!

10 thoughts on “Tantalizing Tart

  1. Wow this is a great spring recipe! I definitely need to try this. 🙂 Using the cookie dough as crust would make it so fast and easy to make. Thanks for sharing! Trying out at my next get together 🙂


  2. Those trampoline places always look so cool to me! I think I would make a fool out of myself going to one though. This tart though, I would not make a fool out of myself making this!


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